Associated Builders & Contractors of Ohio endorses Koehler for State Senate
Associated Builders and Contractors of Ohio (ABC Ohio) has chosen to endorse Kyle Koehler for the March 19th Republican Primary for Ohio's 10th Senate District.
ABC Ohio Director, Bryan Williams, wrote "Ohio Valley ABC appreciates the support for the merit shop principles you practice everyday in your family-owned business. By living out these principles at KK Tool - you, your family and team of employees successfully meet customer expectations in a competitive business market."
"I appreciate the support from ABC-Ohio from the moment they stepped up in my primary for the Ohio House back in 2014. They took the time, even back then, to tour our manufacturing facility and verify who we are and what we stand for" Koehler remarked.
ABC-Ohio believes in the merit shop philosophy, the belief that everyone is evaluated, judged, awarded and rewarded according to the “merit” of his/her work(s). It is this belief in quality-based results that governs the organization and members of Associated Builders and Contractors.
ABC advocates for free market policies at the federal, state and local level. Established in 1950 to promote right to work, repeal Davis Bacon and state prevailing wage mandates, ABC promotes the merit shop by promoting fair and open competition.