Democrat Challenger endorses Kyle Koehler for Ohio State House Seat
Democrat Candidate Mike Walters withdraws from State Representative race and endorses Republican Candidate Kyle Koehler.
Mike Walters announced on Nov 21st that he would “withdraw from the Ohio House State Representative race for the 79th District." In a letter to the Springfield News Sun, Walters thanked all his supporters and the people he met during his campaigning over the last 6 months.
Mike Walters is a former member of the Executive Committee of the Clark County Democratic Party and past-president of the Truman-Kennedy Democratic Club of Clark County.
In a stunning reversal, Mr. Walters also announced that he would be endorsing Republican candidate Kyle Koehler for the 79th District seat in the Ohio House of Representatives.
In the letter Walters wrote: “I strongly feel that Kyle best represents the citizens in our community and our businesses. In order to have strong job growth, you need a business approach which I feel Kyle is best suited in this district. He understands in order to build a stronger community, we must work together and put politics aside for the best interest of the 79th District.” He continued, “Kyle has shown he is able to work with both sides to come to solutions that would work in the favor of the district. He has been very involved with the community and will continue to do so as your next state representative."
Kyle Koehler is vice president of the K.K. Tool Company in Springfield, Ohio.
In response, Mr. Koehler stated, “I am humbled by the endorsement from Mike Walters. I know as Republican and Democrat we don’t see eye-to-eye on all issues, but I thank Mike for acknowledging that we have the same goal. Creating a strong economy and allowing businesses to create more private jobs… that is the goal. We may disagree sometimes on how to get there. But the goal is the same.”
“I think it speaks volumes of what others are seeing in my campaign for state representative. I can bring people together on issues that improve and strengthen Ohio beyond 2014. I will always stand on principles, but getting people to move together towards one goal is something I am known for across the community."
Kyle Koehler will still face a Democratic opponent in the November general election.