Governor Dewine Signs Bill including Koehler's Repeal of Duty To Retreat
COLUMBUS – Governor Mike DeWine today signed Senate Bill 175 into law. Senate Bill 175 includes language added by State Representative Kyle Koeher (R-Springfield) that would remove duty to retreat language from the Ohio Revised Code and protect the Second Amendment rights of Ohioans.
“From the origination of House Bill 796, to its amendment into Senate Bill 175, this pivotal legislation has come a long way and I applaud Governor DeWine for signing it into law today,” said Koehler. “This bill protects the rights and safety of law-abiding Ohioans,
As explained by Koehler, Ohio’s current law established the “Castle Doctrine”, language which states that there is no duty to retreat prior to using force if a person is lawfully within their residence, vehicle or a vehicle owned by an immediate family member. Under Senate Bill 175, the Castle Doctrine will be slightly changed, including removing the reference to vehicle and replacing it with “if that person is in a place in which the person lawfully has the right to be.”
The bill also notes that a person cannot use the affirmative defense of self-defense, defense of another, or defense of that person’s residence in certain circumstances, such as while committing, or attempting to commit, a felony offense of violence; while resisting arrest; or against a peace officer while the peace officer is performing their official duties.